Hello, I’m so glad you are trying out this course. I’m going to start with a story about how this knowledge has helped me, and how I hope it will help you. When I was half way through my PhD, I had my first child. Prior to that my life had been full of studying, working, and adventure. As anyone who is a parent will know, becoming a parent was a huge life change, and to be honest, I struggled to start with. In fact, I spent almost two years trying to be the best parent I could, while completing my PhD, and dreaming of a time when my life would go back to normal. Of course it never would. It is so much richer and more fulfilling now, but very, very different.
I went through a huge mental transition, and I feel it started with the first course I attended in Acceptance Commitment Therapy. That course helped me to refocus on my values, to be less reactive to the emotional turmoil I was going through, and to find joy and purpose in my new life. I have used these skills many times since to adapt to big and small, happy and sad changes. These skills are so critical to adapting to changes that life throws at us, and I hope that this course will help you to adapt and thrive now and for years to come.